Librarian is an advanced and elegant library management software which is designed and supported by CR2, India. Suitable for special, medical and legal libraries, colleges, schools, charities...
- Buy Now - read more...webLIBRARIAN (Integrated Library Automation Software) is a web avtaar of LIBRARIAN enabling users to run and manage their Library using web-browser with an added advantage...
read more...cybrarian is a ready-to-use, cloud hosted, Software as a Service platform with a comprehensive set of features that help library managers in establishing and running their libraries.
read more...With our range of revolutionary and innovative products in field of library automation, CR2 has now introduced mobile based online public access catalog search engine. With facilitation of our products...
read more...A Library Management Software having all the international standards like MARC21, Z39.50, AACR2, NCIP 2.0etc. manages Learning Resource Centre of any type & any size. It has all the functional modules like Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Article Indexing, OPAC / webOPAC, Administration etc. It is multi-user, multi-currencies & multi-lingual using UNICODE technology. Bar-code & RFID options are also available.